Google glasses unwelcome in Las Vegas ???
Rabu, 10 April 2013
IamSorry, even though Google bought glasses powerful and most anticipated by all, will not you will be able to enter them into the cinema halls or bars.Valenzarat we're talking about your intervention to a strange world they reached the summit of intelligence, you can GPS and up to where you want it without difficulty, that you take pictures and videos, and is what makes the glasses are banned in places that we have mentioned, director of a nightclub in Las Vegasstated that he will not leave anyone enters glasses to the club in order to preserve the privacy of the place and the people who are there, and they asked him what if customers insisted on not Anzaaohm? He said: I will ask them transmitted by limousine to the hotel followed, Regarding the reason cinema and clear and does not need to explain
Judul: Google glasses unwelcome in Las Vegas ???
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